DC Trustee


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Welcome to the latest edition of our Trustee newsletter for the Defined Contribution (DC) Section of the Wincanton plc Pension Scheme (the Scheme).

This year has continued to be a challenging time for many of us with the continuing economic difficulties. The conflicts around the world coupled with high inflation and uncertainty around interest rates has resulted in continued investment market volatility. Despite this, we have continued to deliver strong long-term returns for the members of the Scheme. You can read more about this in the ‘Dashboard’ section. This gives you a snapshot of our Scheme’s financial health. We have also included our information on Investment Changes.

Our key aim is to manage the Scheme, and its assets, to help safeguard your retirement plans. But we also recognise our responsibility to seek to protect the environment — both for our future and the generations to follow. In the ‘Making our investments work’ section you can read how we are using the Scheme assets to this end.

Other useful information we have included in this edition include, a summary of what the former Chancellor’s Autumn Statement said about pensions, some guidance on how to protect yourself against cyber-crimes or pension scams, and some tips to help you manage your finances during these challenging times. All of this information can be found in the 'In the news' section.

Finally, I would like to thank my fellow Trustee Directors and our professional advisers for all their hard work and support over the last year.

I hope that you enjoy the newsletter. I welcome any feedback on what else you would like to read about in future editions. Please send these through using the contact details.

Dinesh Visavadia — Chair
Independent Trustee Services Limited