DC Trustee


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Welcome to the 2023 edition of our Trustee newsletter for the Defined Contribution (DC) Section of the Wincanton plc Pension Scheme (the Scheme).

This year has continued to be a challenging time for many of us with the continuing economic difficulties. We have provided you with key information about the changes made by the Government in the Autumn Budget announcements and the changes to the State Pension from April 2024. We have also included information on organisations who can provide you with guidance to help manage your finances during these challenging times, and ensure you are doing all you can to protect your money from Cyber attacks / scammers. All of this can be found in the ‘In the news’ section of this newsletter.

The conflicts around the world have had an impact on the economy and the continuing cost-of-living which has meant market volatility has remained. Despite this, the Trustee Board have continued to deliver <ADD INFORMATION ABOUT PERFROMANCE OF THE SCHEME>. The Dashboard pages give you a summary of the scheme including the member profile, a snapshot of the accounts and investments, the asset spread of the pension accounts and an update on the investment changes.

Our key aim is to manage the Scheme, and its assets, to help safeguard your financial health in retirement. But we also recognise our responsibility to seek to protect the environment — both for our future and the generations to follow. The section on ‘Responsible Investments’ gives an insight into how we are managing this.

I hope that you enjoy the newsletter. If you have any feedback please send it through using the contact details which can be found on the ‘Making contact’ page.

Dinesh Visavadia — Chair

Independent Trustee

Services Limited